Choosing wine by the (back) label



Cheverny Domaine du Moulin

Cheverny Domaine du Moulin

People who don’t know a lot about wine often tell me that they choose wines by the label. They say it with some embarrassment, but I don’t think they have anything to be ashamed of — particularly if they’re talking about the back label. I picked up this wine, a $15 Loire red, simply on the basis of the importer sticker on the rear of the bottle. Yes, I suppose I should have taken a picture of it, but I came up with the idea for this post a few days after I drank the wine. You’ll have to trust me that it says Savio Soares Selections. I met Savio Soares a few months ago at my wine store, Heights Chateau, and he is the model of the cheery, passionate wine importer.  I was happy to put fifteen bucks in the guy’s pocket, and it was a good call — imagine Beaujolais crossed with red zinger tea, and you get the idea. So the next time you find a bottle of (imported) wine you like, make sure to take a look at the back label. Kermit Lynch and Thierry Thiese are two great importers, but do some research and find your own faves.

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